The Tuesday FALL Hybrid Women’s Devotional group will begin September 24th. The book that will be discussed is Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life by Joanna Weaver. This Fall group will run for six weeks from Sept. 24th—October 29th. We will meet via Zoom and also in the Calvin Conference room.
This book invites the reader to connect with Jesus and his invitation in this day and age to choose “the better part”. The author shares her story and then invites one into a life of intimacy with the Beloved. The exchange of being loved and sharing that love with others is a flow of love built on a practice of awareness. We have been blessed to be a blessing.
If you are interested in joining the Fall Devotional Group please contact Marie Campbell at 724-282-4982 and leave a message or email