Our approach to mission is to encourage individual members, and the church as a whole, to prayerfully listen for God’s call to mission, and for us to help them then pursue their call.
The mission team attends to the local and global missions of the church, discerns where mission monies should be sent, and encourages and offers opportunities for hands-on mission by members of the church.
If you would like to donate to any of our missions please make checks payable to Calvin Presbyterian Church and put the mission you are supporting in the Memo line.
The following are some of the missions Calvin Church supports:
PCUSA Ghana Mission Network

Ananias Mission
Calvin Church has been committed to assist with Syrian Refugee Relocation through the Ananias Mission. To date, the Ananias Mission has partnered with St. Catharines Catholic Diocese in Ontario and solely funded the relocation of 23 people (5 families) from Syria to Canada and all have arrived safely. Adults have found employment and children are in schools. They have also financially assisted the individual parishes for another 27 people (who we did not find ourselves) get situated there.

Without Reservations
The bike ministry, called “Without Reservations,” works to provide bicycles for the people on the Pine Ridge Reservation near Wanblee, South Dakota, who use them for getting to work and getting supplies, as well as for recreation and socialization for both adults and youth.
Calvin Church is passionate about supporting this need, with members donating money, skills, and time. Each summer since 2016, arrangements are made to transport donated bikes and bike repair equipment to the Reservation.
This ministry is a community effort with assistance from the youth at George Junior Republic and Grove City College, the resources of Communicycle in Aliquippa, and the help of other churches and area residents.
Currently, the bike mission is seeking to rent a large space in which to store and repair bikes year-round in the Zelienople area.
Call the Calvin Church office @ 724-452-7560 or email for more information, to volunteer, or to provide resources (bikes, equipment, space, donations, skills).

Mission Trip Support
Calvin Church is committed to being a permission-giving, mission-supporting congregation that nurtures and encourages everyone’s personal calling to mission. We find ways to raise funds and offer other support for individuals called to mission. Over the past few years we’ve supported members helping to build a preschool in South Africa, a medical mission to Lithuania, several mission trips to Haiti and Mexico, and disaster relief and clean-up effort after weather catastrophes in New Jersey, Indianapolis, and Missouri.

Narcotics Anonymous
Calvin Church hosts a Narcotics Anonymous meeting for those in recovery from addiction. The meetings are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in Faith House located behind the church.

Partnership with OTI Presbytery
Calvin Church is a partner in mission with the Oti Presbytery in eastern Ghana. Members of Calvin Church have visited Ghana to further our partnership and participate in the Ghana Mission Network meeting, a gathering for U.S. and Ghanaian mission partners to collaborate and exhort one another in Christ’s work.

Presbyterian Church (USA)
Disaster Relief
Calvin Church periodically provides funds to support the work of our denomination’s Disaster Relief organization, which has helped people recover from earthquakes in Pakistan and Haiti, tornados and hurricanes
Special Offerings
One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peace & Global Witness, and Christmas Joy
Support of General Assembly, Synod of the Trinity, and Beaver Butler Presbytery.

Glade Run Lutheran Services
Founded in 1854 by the Rev. Dr. William Passavant in Zelienople, Pennsylvania, Glade Run has evolved over the years to meet the changing and increasingly challenging needs of children, adults and families throughout Western Pennsylvania and beyond. With a focus on education, mental health, autism, and unique therapeutic offerings, Glade Run has a long tradition of linking faith and service. Each year, Glade Run serves over 5,000 individuals with impactful, innovative services in school, home, and community settings.
Our church supports both the Back-to-School Collection Drive and the Christmas Angel Program.

Samaritan Counseling
Samaritan Counseling is Here to Help: Calvin Church supports and hosts Samaritan Counseling as part of our ongoing mission to care for those in our community. Samaritan offers virtual or in-person counseling at their office in Calvin Church, or at any of their 10 satellite offices throughout Western Pennsylvania. They accept almost all insurance and also offer client aid. If you, or someone you know, is struggling and needs to speak to a therapist, please contact Samaritan at 412-741-7430 or though their website at www.samaritancounseling.net.

Special Mission Fund
Calvin Church is committed to helping people locally and in the region meet their basic needs and respond to crisis. The Special Mission Fund is a monetary fund that can be used to assist with emergency needs such as rent and utility arrears but the mission committee is led by God’s calling in a variety of areas of need.

Youth Mission Trips
Each year Calvin Church sends out two mission trips, while also encouraging and supporting individual members to go on mission trips. The two Calvin trips are for youth to work at Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake in Michigan. Camp Westminster is a ministry of Westminster Presbyterian Church of Detroit, and is devoted to giving inner-city children an opportunity to discover and learn about nature, while also growing spiritually.

Southwest Butler Food Cupboard
Calvin Presbyterian Church supports the Southwest Butler Food Cupboard. Collecting food and monetary donations as well as packing and loading the food boxes. Current needs and updates to the services of the Southwest Butler Food Cupboard can be found on their website.

Zelienople Preschool
Zelienople Preschool holds 3-year-old and 4-year-old half-day classes in the lower level of Calvin Presbyterian Church. Three-year-olds attend Thursday and Friday AM or PM. Four-year-olds attend Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday AM or PM. For information call Judy Kercovich at 724-774-5746, or call the church and leave a message at extension 13.
Additional Mission Support:
Josh Heikkila and Ellen Smith