We believe deeply in the power of prayer. That's not the same as saying we believe ONLY in the power of prayer. We believe that God responds to prayer, but that God can respond in ways that seem miraculous and in ways that seem mundane. What matters is not how God responds, but that we pray. As a result, we have a strong prayer ministry and ministry team that includes the following:
Every Sunday, after each worship service, Prayer Ministers are available to offer prayers of healing or blessing for you or for another through you. You will spot prayer ministers after each service as the ones wearing white stoles. A prayer minister is always available after worship the front of the sanctuary. Please feel free to approach one for any concerns that you have.
Our prayer ministers are also trained to meet with people each week in their homes to offer personal prayers for healing, especially for people who suffer with serious conditions. These are not pastoral visits, but prayer visits that typically don't late longer than 15-20 minutes. Their focus is to bring God’s Spirit into people's lives to help them heal physically, mentally, and spiritually. If you would like more information or would like a visit from our prayer ministry, please contact the church office.
How to Pray for Healing: If you would like to learn how to pray for healing for yourself or another person, you can click to download a brochure here that will give you guidance: Guide to Healing Prayer
We invite you to use our Labyrinth for prayer. You can find the Labyrinth next to the church on the lot on the corner of Grandview Avenue and Division Street. If you would like more information, you can download our brochure on using the labyrinth. Labyrinth brochure