Calvin’s Session has discerned that the following is God’s will for how we can best love our neighbor, God and ourselves in the midst of this pandemic (through January 30th):
1) To continue the “Pause” of Calvin’s Coffee Fellowship and Adult Education through January 30. The hope is that the numbers will go down during that time. The expectation is that we will continue these ministries thereafter. Worship in person is safe following safety protocols (masks, distancing) and available online for anyone desiring added layers of protection.
2) To continue all other ministries, committees, groups, Sunday school, confirmation, etc. while offering hybrid online options for those who desire an added layer of protection or are in isolation/quarantine (We feel strongly that our children are as safe if not more safe at Calvin than they are at school because of our air mitigation system and our cautious members. We also encourage opening up the doors between the youth room and Audio/Video/Green Screen room for added space).
3) To encourage Calvin’s members to continue to be tenacious in all safety measures, specifically being cautious in self-selection of what you participate in and how you participate (i.e., online or in-person). Because Calvin’s members have been cautious in self-selection, we have not needed to face uncomfortable decisions like putting caps on attendance, etc. We strongly believe the temporary sacrifices we all are making are how we love our neighbors, God, and ourselves through this in-between time and into the new future God has in store for us. Thank you so much for being who God called you to be, for being Calvin!