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Presbyterian Women Need Coordinator

Updated: Nov 11, 2021

Presbyterian Women of Calvin Church have always been a vital part of this church and continue to do so. At this time those of us who have continued to keep Presbyterian Women vital are no longer able to continue the responsibilities of managing the church kitchen.

Without a “Kitchen Coordinator” at this time, we are not sure how things like Funeral Luncheons, Presbytery Lunches/Dinner, Presbyterian Women of Beaver-Butler Presbytery Gatherings, Congregational Dinners, etc. are going to be handled going forward.

So, we’re coming to you, women of the church, to see if there is that person out there who wants to make this their Mission Calling for Calvin Church. This was Marsha Demeter’s calling after we lost Betty Alexander, our previous coordinator. Marsha tirelessly devoted many long hours preparing and serving elegant meals for any event held here at Calvin. We are truly sorry to see her leave but she fulfilled her calling many times over in the many years of her service. Without her, Presbyterian Women could not have met their yearly pledge (yes, we pledge money) to Beaver-Butler Presbyterian Women and to Synod Projects, or sent women to National PW events.

Please prayerfully consider our dilemma and if you would like to get a group together to co-chair or form a committee (as Presbyterians do) to handle this calling, please contact Linda Anderson at 412-719-4902; or Judy Kercovich at 724-774-5746 and we will be more than happy to discuss this further.

We are confident that the women of Calvin can do it!


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