Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) urges your support in response to the devastating fires in California, which authorities are calling a historic and deadly wildfire event. PDA has already released emergency grants to meet the urgent needs of the communities and to provide immediate care. The magnitude of this event will require the development of long-term projects and assistance, both for the physical and emotional long-lasting effects.Years of recovery lie ahead, and your commitment will help PDA extend the hands of Christ. Will you stand in the “GAP” for the people affected by these catastrophic wildfires? — Give. Act. Pray.
GIVE: Gifts can be made online at, by phoneat 800-728-7228, ext. 5885, or by check made payable toPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.) with “PDA-CF25-BI” written onthe memo line and mailed to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),P.O. Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700.
ACT: Assemble Gift of the Heart kits for survivors in the affected areas. For more information, go to
PRAY: God, our refuge and strength, you are an ever-present help in trouble. You see the devastation caused by the California wildfires. You hear the cries of loss and know the exhaustion of those waiting and helping. For those forced to flee, grant rest. For those fighting fires, grant strength. For those mourning, grant comfort. For those still in danger, grant protection. May your Church be a presence of hope. In Christ’s name, Amen.